Sunday, December 29, 2019

Tangled And Romantic History With Guns - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 802 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/03/19 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Gun Control Essay Did you like this example? The United States of America has always had a tangled and romantic history with guns, and as the nation owning more guns than any other country in the world, some Americans view gun ownership and violence as a grave social danger. Several organizations and movements have formed in the last two centuries with the hopes of regulating the availability of firearms and limiting the freedom to own firearms. The ultimate goal then and now is to reduce crimes and accidents that involve guns. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Tangled And Romantic History With Guns" essay for you Create order However, the entanglements of gun rights and organizations have put up a strong fight to hold on to their weapons. In early America, guns were necessary for food and protection. With land unclaimed buy any lord or noble, hunting became an important source of food for early settlers. As the settlers began to embrace a more rural lifestyle, guns became a tool of everyday life in order to protect livestock, crops, and the family unit especially from the psychological threat of Indians. As America expanded, the South developed a non-utilitarian enjoyment of firearms for sport and target shooting. Every boy was taught to shoot. Soon enough, lighter and more powerful rifles and revolvers developed. To Americans, guns were essential to insure protection of local militias and the right to revolution. However, guns were also recreational and competitive. In 1871, the National Rifle Association formed to promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis. Following World War I, the transition to urbanization begins the association of guns with tragedy and death rather than sport. Entering the twentieth century, the rise of organized crime and the spirit of the prohibition led to a more intense push towards gun control and regulation. New York City was the first American city to see gun control regulation, and the Sullivan Act forced citizens to have a permit to purchase and own a firearm. With so little media coverage, there was little opposition from gun manufacturers and dealers. Although gun deaths stabilized, effectiveness was difficult to prove. The legislation followed an assassination attempt on the mayor of the city, William Gaynor, and this series of events foreshadowed a future of assassinations having the emotional impact to hinder gun crime. Signed into law in May of 1911, legislation regarding gun control did not pick up again for two decades. The motivation of early gun control movements were focused on helping the citizen, hurting the criminal. However, a majority of Americans still held the opinion that for ordinary, law abiding citizens, a pistol or revolver is a necessity to protection of himself and his family. This did not hinder the activists, and their actions led to the cease of the sale of guns and rifles by Sears Roebuck department store in 1924. Boycotts and economic tools will be utilized in the modern fight as REI, Walmart, and Dicks Sporting Goods respond to pressure by changing their policies on gun sales. The 1930s saw the adoption of the first two significant gun control laws on the federal level: the National Firearms Act in 1934 and the Federal Firearms Act in 1938. Early versions of these laws were deemed highly controversial, and the NRA actively condemned the potential legislation. As the final forms of the laws evolved, the NRA backed off, for they did not affect the rights of the honest citizen to own rifles, pistols, and shotguns. This was the first instance of National Rifle Associations involvement in legislation. The gun control movement slowed from 1940 to 1960 due to the events of World War II, the Korean War, and the start of the Cold War. Americans found the obstruction of rights, especially to own firearms, undesirable during a time of crisis. Additionally, witnessing the increase of strict gun control laws in Europe made Americans grip their weapons more tightly. For example, strict gun control laws in the United Kingdom left the country unarmed during the outbreak of World War II. When the potential for German invasion rose, many of the Home Guardsmen were only armed with the same Brown Bess muskets carried in the American Revolution almost two hundred years prior. In other parts of Europe, Americans saw citizens being forced to surrender their guns to the invading Nazis. In the end of the fifties, a Gallup poll in August of 1959 showed that 75% of the population and 65% of gun owners would favor a law requiring a permit for a person to buy any gun. A month later, another poll showed that 59% of all persons interviewed favored a total ban on handguns, except for police use. Yet, the same poll showed that 49% of the respondents had a gun in their home. The only major reason suggested by the press in the 1950s for such ~high anti-gun sentiment is a concern over the eruption of violence over the civil rights issue in the south.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

When one looks at how the media continues to communicate...

When one looks at how the media continues to communicate certain messages to the American public, it is remarkable how some trends have continued for decades. This is particularly true concerning images and graphics and the subtle messages that they carry in the world of print communications. The unfortunate reality is that the media is no different from many institutions in American society in that it has to sell products to the public in order to stay financially stable. As a means of doing so, the media provides audiences with images that often satisfy their desires and meet their expectations. Consequently, the inclusion of such stereotypes creates a vicious cycle as the audience continues to be exposed to such messages and†¦show more content†¦The country will always know about African-American basketball players who reside in coastal cities such as New York or Los Angeles, but the small town country boy will remain a mystery to the nation. Furthermore, the inclusion of the scantily clad cheerleaders on both covers suggests that it is the girls’ responsibility to keep their man’s physical talents top secret. As both Larry and Doug are positioned in a traditional masculine manner by having their brawny arms flexed around their hips, the cheerleaders surrounding them are bending down to show off their sexy and fit bodies. The message remains through the decades that in terms of our athletic heroes, it is the women’s job to serve the supporting role of serving in their best interests. As Potter explains, the media has remained just as influential as it ever has in terms of reaching a vast number of people. â€Å"People continue to spend more and more time with the media. Over the past three decades, every new survey of media use has shown that the average person is increasing exposure every year† (Potter 5). With such rampant exposure, the institution of the media has become only more powerful in its efforts to disseminate messages that perpetuate stereotypes and reinforce the audience’s previously held beliefs. Unfortunately, Sports Illustrated continues to perpetuate backwards stereotypes by issuing its very popular swimsuitShow MoreRelatedEating Disorders and the Media Essay1287 Words   |  6 PagesEating Disorders and the Media American writer Allen Ginsberg once said: Whoever controls the media-the images-controls the culture. Nothing could be truer, the media has always influenced fashion and body shape. But whats remarkable now is how much the media affects body image, and how willing and eager people are to mess with Mother Nature. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

History of Oldtown Free Essays

1. 2 Brief explanation of the company’s history The  OldTown White Coffee,  OTWC  (Chinese:   ) is the largest  kopitiam  restaurant  chain in  Malaysia. Its main headquarters is in  Ipoh, Perak,  Malaysia. We will write a custom essay sample on History of Oldtown or any similar topic only for you Order Now Established in 1999, the co-founders and Executive Director, Mr. Goh Ching Mun and Mr. Tan Say Yap are the incorporation of White Cafe and provide quality white coffee to Malaysian households and the food services industry. It manufactures instant beverage mixes and products, in addition to operating over 180 cafe outlets throughout Malaysia and the region. With more than 10 years of experience in the coffee beverage industry, both of co-founders were instrumental in the growth of the Oldtown Group of companies. Next, Mr. Lee Siew Heng, Group of Managing Director who played a significant role in implementing the overall vision, strategy and development of the Oldtown Group is the one of support them to incorporation Oldtown Group. In 1999, they successfully to commercialize the instant 3-in-1 coffee mix under the â€Å"OLDTOWN† brand name for the retail sector. By end of 2009 October, the â€Å"OLDTOWN† 3-in-1 instant coffee mix was sold in approximately 1,348 retail outlets nationwide in Malaysia, approximately 550 retail outlets in Singapore and approximately 2,100 retail outlet in Hong Kong. In 2000, the â€Å"OLDTOWN† brand of 3-in-1 instant coffee mix is the first export to Singapore. In 2001, White Cafe marketing commenced operations as the marketing arm for the Group’s beverage products. During the same year, the product line is expanded and includes different variations of the instant coffee mix. In addition, instant coffee mix has also expanded export to Hong Kong markets. In year 2002, White Cafe obtained a HALAL certification from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the Group’s beverages. This is the part of OLDTOWN Group’s intentions, which is to produce the beverages in accordance with the Islamic law. In the same year, OLDTOWN Group’s have successfully expanded to nationwide retail distribution of 3-in-1 instant coffee mix to cover East and West Malaysia through major hypermarkets and supermarkets. In 2003, OLDTOWN Group’s have also successfully commercialized the new blend of 3-in-1 instant milk tea for the retail market under the â€Å"OLDTOWN† brand name. In view of expanding OLDTOWN manufacturing activities, OLDTOWN Group’s incorporated Gongga Food in 2003 and commenced operations in 2004 manufacturing roasted coffee powder for the road services sector using the Group’s proprietary bean roasting process. OLDTOWN Group’s also distributed the roasted coffee powder to traditional coffee shops in Ipoh and other states in Malaysia. In addition to the food services sector, roasted coffee powder is also marketed to the retail sector under the â€Å"NANYANG† brand. In 2004, it also further penetrated the export markets for 3-in-1 instant coffee to cover the United States, Canada and United Kingdom and subsequently in 2005, Taiwan and Indonesia. In 2005, OLDTOWN Group’s expanded vertically into the food services sector by opening a chain of cafe outlets based on the traditional Ipoh coffee shop setting and ambience under the â€Å"OLTOWN WHITE COFFEE† brand name. This is part of the Group’s strategy of capitalizing and reinforcing on the â€Å"OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE† brand in the food services industry. In the same year, Kopitiam Asian Pacific commenced operations in the licensing, supply of food, beverages and other item, and provision of management services to â€Å"OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE† cafe outlet. Since the opening of the first â€Å"OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE† cafe outlet in Ipoh in 2005, the chain of cafe outlets have expanded to reach 137 cafe outlets in Malaysia and Singapore as at 31 October 2009. This included fully and partially owned, and franchised cafe outlets. In 2005 and 2006, OLDTOWN Group’s has established the subsidiaries namely as Old Town Kopitiam, Old Town Kopitam Butterworth, Old Town Kopitiam Kuala Lumpur, Old Town Kopitiam Cheras, Conneczone to focus on operating cafe outlets in different areas and states within Malaysia. To support the cafe outlet business operations, their established the following subsidiaries as central food processing centres between year 2005 and 2007:  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Emperor’s Kitchen commenced operations in 2005;  ·Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Esquire Chef commenced operations in 2007;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Dynasty Confectionery commenced operations in 2007. In 2005, Gongga Food’s business activities also expanded to cater to the procurement of food items for â€Å"OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE† cafe outlets. In the same year, Gongga Food also obtained a HALAL certification from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the production of its roasted coffee pow der. Furthermore, OLDTOWN Group’s has obtained a HACCP certification from BM TRADE Certification Ltd for the processing and manufacturing of beverage roducts. In 2006, the company also expanded the product export to Japan and China markets. In the same year, the company incorporated Dynasty Kitchen as a distribution centre, which commenced operations in 2007. During this year, group’s company also incorporated Oldtown Berhad, which will focus on investment holding and provision of management services pursuant to its listing on the Main Market of Bursa Securities. Subsequently the OLDTOWN Group’s also started exporting to Thailand and Philippines. In view of group’s company plans to expand more cafe outlet business operation to Singapore, OLDTOWN company also incorporated Oldtown Singapore in 2007 to provide management services, supply of food and beverage items to cafe outlets in Singapore. OTK Singapore commenced operations in 2008 with the launch of the first â€Å"OLDTOWN WHITE COFFEE† cafe outlet in Singapore. In 2008, the company of Dynasty Confectionery and Esquire Chef obtained HALAL certifications from the Islamic Religious Department of Perak for the processing of various foods. On other food-processing subsidiary, Emperor’s Kitchen obtained HALAL certification from the IFRC ASIA. To further affirm, OLDTOWN Group’s adherence to international food safety standard and White Cafe achieved ISO 22000:2005 certification and ISO 9001:2000 from BM TRADA Certification in 2008 in addition to GMP certification by the Department of Public Health, Ministry of Health Malaysia in the same year. Within 2008, OLDTOWN Group’s has expanded the product lines to include 3-in-1 instant coffee mix with cane sugar. In 2009, Gongga Food obtained a HACCP certification from BM TRADA Certification Ltd for the production of roasted coffee powder. OldTown White Coffee now exports its instant beverage mixes to more than 10 countries worldwide and plans to expand its cafe outlet network in the region. The group has an extensive chain of cafes in Malaysia via 194 outlets as of end Nov 2011, and also operates a few outlets that are open 24/7 in certain areas. This tally includes fully and partially owned outlets, franchise outlets and licensed outlets. How to cite History of Oldtown, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Introduction to Asset Management

Question: Discuss about the Introduction to Asset Management. Answer: Introduction Asset is the backbone for efficient and effective working of every business organization. Assets are regarded as that part of the organization through which it would be able to generate profits or incomes in the future (Davis, 2016). Some examples of assets are property, land and building, furniture and fixtures and other tangible and intangible assets. Assets itself cannot help the company in generating incomes or in achieving the organizational goals (OFR, 2013). It needs to be maintained in all the respects and on regular basis from the degree of its physical condition to the degree of the best possible utilization the company is making out of it. Through this exercise company would be able to know whether the asset is in a condition of replacement or in a condition of further using for few years. Thus, managing the asset is very important for any organization (Brinkman, 2010). With this consideration, the report has been prepared by having deep study of the article relating to it and standards laid down by the British Institution have been discussed in detail known as PAS 55. This is further discussed with reference to the engineering systems and finally laid down how this standard has become the foundation for obtaining the ISO 55000 certification. With this objective, the report has been prepared detailing how far the research paper has contributed to enhance the knowledge and to help organization in managing the assets. Target Academic Community In the research paper, the academic community which has been targeted includes the British Institution of Standards, Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council, ISO authorities, the executives and the UAE personnel. Each of the academic community has been given importance in the paper and laid down the reasons as to why each of them is necessary in the process of the asset management. At first the British Institution of Standards is responsible for preparing the standards for asset management. It consists of the guidelines to be followed by the organization. Second Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council is the body which is wholly responsible for making the application of standards mandatory and compulsory and where necessary exemptions were given. At third comes the ISO authority which clearly states that once the asset management policy comes into force, the organization may go for the ISO 55000 certification. Then comes the executives of the organization who are held with the resp onsibility for effective and efficient working of the organization and they should be informed of the asset management policy and working of the company and deviations if any (IBM, 2009). In the last, the academic community is UAE personnel. It is very well mentioned that the UAE personnel have skills and capabilities to monitor the policies and thus they should be employed in the organizations and deployed with the necessary responsibilities. Thus, the above the communities over which the research paper has been framed. As per the recent case, Riyal Womens Hospital in Melbourne, Australia has undergone through the process of implementation and application of Asset Management which is known as PDCA and found it very beneficial for the organization and patients. (UGL, 2016). Thus, in view of this work, the target community will be the organization and customers of that organization. Research Problem The research has been revolved over the different problems and has simultaneously provided the solutions. The first research problem is the application of the standards for asset management as notified by the British institutions of standards. These standards define the management of an asset throughout the life cycle of an asset and how the system of asset management can be controlled. These standards are cumbersome to apply and therefore, the research paper has laid down the procedures as to how the organization can incorporate the asset management as part of the organizational goals and how it can be achieved (IIMM, 2011). The second research problem which has been discussed is how the organizations working in different sectors and industry and having different objectives and strategies can apply the same standards and form their asset management policy. Also the goals get automatically changed when the organization is located in different parts of the country. The aforesaid probl em has been resolved later by clarifying that the each and every organization may have its own policy for asset management depending upon objectives, strategies and locations but that too should be in accordance with the PAS 55. In the recent research conducted in New Zealand and Australian Electric Industry, the main research problem is the definition of asset management. Majority of the people do not understands as to what is included in the term of asset management. In all the discussion it is emphasized that asset management is an activity consisting of set of events to be carried out to realize the value of asset by considering the risks, threats, opportunities and benefits of assets (Fuller, 2015). PAS 55 in line with ISO 55000 is the basic model for the effectiveness of the asset management policy installed in the organization. It is because PAS 55 has described the practices in detail which ensures the best working of the asset and gives the best useful life to every asset. Asset may be tangible or intangible or human asset. It has outlined the stages through which each and every organization has to undergone to develop and efficient asset management plan. It includes four stages namely stage of planning, the stage of deploying, the stage of operating and maintaining and the stage of performance appraising to check whether the asset has reached the stage of retirement. For the companies having different objectives, different industries, different sectors and different locations have to follow four stages to achieve asset management namely mobilization, designing, development and the implementation of the policy and the sustainment of the policy and the assets. In this way mod el laid down by PAS 55 has been followed throughout the study. Thereafter, ISO 55000 has laid down that after having the defined asset management policy the company shall apply for ISO certification (Official Website, 2009). Therefore, these two models are relevant for the study. Data Collection and Analysis The research paper is the qualitative in its characteristic. In the research paper, the data has been collected from reliable sources. At first the reference has been given to the PAS 55 which has been obtained through the article on Asset management published in the year 2008. On the similar lines other data has been obtained on its guidelines, steps for formation for asset management policy and implementation thereof. Thus, for completing the research paper the data has been collected from secondary sources. It means that data has been collected from the books, journals and papers in which the asset management has been discussed. Data has not been collected through any of the primary source (IAM, 2009). The analysis of the data so collected and informed in the paper has been analyzed through the thematic approach. It is used where the analysis have to formed from the work and interpretations of other researchers. No quantitative data has been incorporated in the report and thus the analyses so made have been the qualitative one. Contibution of the Paper and Relevance to the Knowledge The research paper has contributed widely in the field of asset management both theoretically and practically. Theoretically, all the four stages of the asset management policy has been laid down describing each and every stage and described the asset management policy as the Plan Do Check Act (PGDCA) Cycle. The stage includes the planning, execution, operation and maintenance and evaluation. These are the predefined steps and along with these steps the asset management guidelines have been mentioned which includes the incorporation of legal framework in the policy and providing the status of asset and the asset management policy to the different stakeholders (Keller W,2009). On the practical aspects, the paper has also contributed to the wider extent. As these standards cannot be applied universally on uniform basis to each and every organization and has described the relaxation in the asset management policy provided the policy so formed shall be within the limits of the defined provisions of standards and the guidelines. In connection with the contribution, the paper has also imparted knowledge on the importance of the asset management. Many companies are still not aware of the guidelines and standards and adopt it as obligation. Through this paper the companies would be able to know the importance and will adopt it whole heartedly. Conclusion Having an asset management policy as the part of the main objective of an organization will always help the organization in making best use of its assets and also the generate profits or income for many years to come. PAS 55 standards has laid down the guidelines along with the steps of formation of asset management policy and its implementation. PAS 55 along with ISO 55000 has been detailed which will help the companies in adopting the same in easy and understandable manner. In order to conclude, asset management shall be pursued and followed by each and every company. References IBM (2009), Enabling the Benefits of PAS 55: The new standard for asset management in the Industry, available on https://www- accessed on 3/4/2017. Official Website, (2017), Asset Management Standards available on accessed on 3/4/2017 Keller W, (2009), PAS 55 Asset Management, available on accessed on 3/4/2017 IAM, (2009), PAS 55 Assessment Methodology available on accessed on 3/4/2017. Davis R, (2016), An Introduction to Asset Management available on on 4/4/2017 IIMM, (2011), Asset Management Getting Started Guide available on ed%20Guide_web.pdf accessed on 4/4/2017. Brinkman R, (2010), Strategic Asset Management Framework, available on accessed on 4/4/2017. OFR, (2013), Asset Management and Financial Stability, available on Ability.pdf accessed on 4/4/2017, Fuller G, (2015), Benefits from the Application of Asset Management Standards in the Electric Industry, Engineers Australia. UGL,(2016),Applying the guidelines of BSI PAS 55 to Facility Management, available on accessed on 07/04/2017